Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Social Revolution

70% of all businesses use social media.
$1.3 trillion contribution to the economy.
There has been an 123% growth in social business interaction.

For CEOs, social networking is the most important aspect to engage a customer 
- 2012 IBM Global Study

Impressive stats. And an impressive line of folks to tell that story.

Buddy from Cake Boss. 

STOP. Chatter Time. From my time - MC Hammer.  He can move better than some young folks.

The Social Revolution is a Trust Revolution. 
Social data helps us understand issues proactively and address that much quicker. Organizations need to build that trust.

Mobile is at the Core.
Businesses need to innovate and collaborate. On the go. 
Yelp is a great example of being at point of need.

By 2017, CMOs will spend more on technology than CIOs. - Gartner

Mastering the Next Technology Wave
Overall focus is being shaped by:
  • Globalization
  • Millenials
  • Vituralization
  • Cloud Computing

Data is Exploding
Zettabytes are a trillion gigabytes. By 2020, there would be 35 ZB of data.

Keeping the customer experience at the forefront. NAILED IT.
I am a new convert to Virgin America based on my flight here.  

Philanthropy. Share the success for the better. I respected him already, but when I heard his stance on the earth, preserving the ocean and especially sharks and the horrible fin industry, I became an even bigger fan. I share his perspective, his values - I will go out of my way to do business with Virgin.

Good on you, Sir Richard.

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