Friday, October 5, 2012

CCH Tax Briefings

CCH’s 2012 Year-End Tax Planning Briefing - Year-end tax planning is always complicated by the uncertainty that the following year may bring, and 2012 is no exception. Indeed, as we come closer to the end of the year, the combination of the possible sunset of the so-called Bush tax cuts, new taxes on investment income, doubts about the renewal of many popular tax provisions, and the threat of massive federal spending cuts makes year-end tax planning for 2012 one of the most challenging in recent memory.

Nominal vs. Effective Corporate Tax Rates, CCH Examines Key Figures Impacting Investment - CCH has taken a closer look at two key corporate tax figures that can dramatically impact the bottom line – the nominal tax rate compared to the effective tax rate.

CCH Tax Briefing Provides Detail, Analysis of Presidential Candidates’ Tax Policies - The new Briefing describes the tax policies of President Barack Obama, the Democratic Party candidate for President, and former Governor Mitt Romney, the Republican Party candidate for President, along with analysis of the potential impact of their tax positions both for the immediate future and for 2014 and beyond. 

CCH Tax Briefing Provides Guidance, Analysis for Capitalization Regulations - Many questions still remain over the temporary “repair” regulations for capitalization accounting methods that were issued by the IRS more than six months ago. CCH has released a special Tax Briefing: Comprehensive Repair/Capitalization Regulations to help professionals interpret and apply these often complex regulations that affect all businesses in one way or another.



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